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Incremental compilation


This document outlines how incremental computation might be done in the Isograph compiler. It won't necessarily be exactly how it is implemented.


In watch mode and when running the compiler as a language server, we want to efficiently recompute values in response to changes in input. When an input changes, we could recompile everything from scratch, but it would be much more efficient to recompute the minimal section of the computation graph that actually needs to change.

Consider this computation graph, which we might encounter if we have both file1 and file2 open simultaneously:

syntax highlighting (file1) -> iso literal ASTs in (file1) -> file text (file1)
syntax highlighting (file2) -> iso literal ASTs in (file2) -> file text (file2)

If the text of file1 changes, we don't need to recompute syntax highlighting (file2), and can just reuse the last computed value.

But even more subtly, if the file 1 text changes, but in a way that doesn't affect the AST (e.g. the user adds some JavaScript after the last iso literal), then we can recompute the "iso literal ASTs in (file1)" node, determine that the result didn't change, and thus avoid recomputing the "syntax highlighting (file1)" node.

But how can that be implemented?

Types of nodes

There are two types of nodes in the above graph: source nodes and computed nodes.

Source nodes

The "file text" nodes are the only source nodes shown above. A source node is the "raw input". A source node contains:

  • its value, and
  • time_set, the "epoch" when it was last set
    • note: the epoch is a monotonically increasing u32, stored in the Database

What happens when a source node changes?

When a source node is updated, it's value is compared to the old one. If different, we increment the Database's epoch, update the stored value and set time_modified to the current epoch.

Computed nodes

A computed node is a deterministic function that always receives, as its first parameter, the database (as &mut self), and as its second parameter, receives a single struct of parameters. It must always call db.calculate immediately. This is not enforced, but could be via #[derive] macro.

fn syntax_highlighting(parent_db_view: &mut DatabaseView, file_name: FileName) -> &SyntaxHighlighting {
file_name: T,
// inner function:
|self_db_view, file_name: &FileName /* &T */| {
let asts = get_asts(self_db_view, file_name); // tracked
calculate_syntax_highlighting_from_asts(asts) // pure

// Or if we have a proc macro that does the db_view.calculate stuff:
fn syntax_highlighting(db_view: &mut DatabaseView, file_name: &FileName) -> SyntaxHighlighting {
let asts = get_asts(nested_db_view, file_name);
calculate_syntax_highlighting_from_asts(asts) // this is a SyntaxHighlighting

Here, db_view.calculate is called, which creates a derived node for the tuple ("syntax_highlighting", file_name).

What does calculate do when called initially?

If db.calculate is called for a given (name, param) tuple, and no derived node for the (name, param) tuple exists in the Database, it will:

  • call the inner function and store its value in the Database at (name, param), while
  • tracking its dependencies,
    • i.e. track whenever DatabaseView::calculate is called within that inner function, e.g. via get_asts_in(nested_db_view, ...).
  • set the derived node's time_calculated to the maximum time_calculated/time_set epoch of the dependencies (e0), (this can be u32::MAX if there are no dependencies),
    • Note: this is because the value would have been the same if this fn was called as early as e0
  • and set the derived node's time_verified to the max of the current epoch e1 and of time_calculated (which can be u32::MAX).

In the derived node in the Database for ("syntax_highlighting", file_name), it will track that get_asts_in was called (which is tracked because it called DatabaseView::calculate).

The resulting value (a SyntaxHighlighting) is stored in the database, and a reference to it is returned to the caller.

What about when calculate is called again?

If calculate is called again (at epoch e2), we "verify" the node. Assume that the node has time_calculated = e0 and time_verified = e1 (notably, e1 !== e2).

We verify each dependency, which returns time_calculated/time_set for each dependency.

If the dependencies all have time_calculated/time_set <= e1, then, we return a reference to the last calculated value.

If not, then we call the inner function, and compare the new result to the old result. If new_result != old_result, we update the stored value and set time_calculated to the max time_calculated/time_set epoch of the dependencies.

In either case, we set time_verified to e2.

What if we verify a node and time_verified === current_epoch?

This may occur if no changes to source files have occured! So, we can just return the same value. This might occur, for example, if we want hover information for a node and syntax highlighting. Both can use the same AST.


Consider this dependency tree:

hover info   syntax highlighting   go to definition
\ / /
AST --------------------/
source text

Hover info is called

  • source text is set, time_set = e0
  • several other changes occur, epoch is now e1.
  • hover info is calculated. The derived node isn't in the Database, so we call its inner function, which
  • causes AST to be calculated. That derived node isn't in the Database, so we call its inner function, which checks the source text (time_set = e0)
  • AST has time_verified = e1 and time_set = e0
  • hover info is calculated, which also has time_verified = e1 and time_set = e0.

Source text is updated and syntax highlighting is called

  • source text is set, time_set = e2
  • syntax highlighting is calculated. The derived node isn't in the Database, so we call its inner function, which
  • causes AST to be calculated. The derived node is in the Database, and e2 > ast.time_verified (e1), so we check its dependencies. They have max time_set = e2, which is greater than e1 (AST's time_verified), so we recalculate AST by calling its inner function. AST now has time_verified = e2 and time_set = e2.
  • syntax highlighting is calculated, which also has time_verified e2 and time_set e2

No updates, but go to definition is called

  • go to definition is calculated. The derived node isn't in the Database, so we call its inner function.
  • This calls calculate_ast(db_view). The ast derived node is in the Database, and ast.time_verified === current_epoch, so we return the current value of ast.
  • go to definition's inner function is completed, so that has time_verified = e2 and time_calculated = e2.

Implementation details


  • Stores the global epoch (an incrementing counter)
  • Has a derived_nodes: HashMap<(&'static str, HashString)> -> DerivedNode
    • HashString is the params hashed
  • Has source_nodes? But these maybe could be separate


  • result: Box<dyn Any>
  • perhaps params: Box<dyn Any> (if we need to recover them)
  • the time_verified epoch
  • the time_calculated epoch.
    • Invariant: time_calculated <= time_verified
  • perhaps: time_accessed epoch (for garbage collection)
  • Vec<Dependency>


A sketch of how to store dependencies

struct DatabaseView<'parent, 'db: 'parent> {
database: &'db Database,
dependencies: Vec<Box<dyn Fn() -> bool>> + 'parent
parent_view: &'parent DatabaseView

impl<'parent, 'db: 'parent> DatabaseView<'parent, 'db> {
fn calculate<TParam: Any, TOutput: Any>(
&'parent mut self,
static_key: &'static str,
param: TParam,
inner_fn: impl Fn(&'db mut DatabaseView /* self db view */, &TParam) -> TOutput + 'parent;
) -> &'db TOutput {
let parent_db_view = self;
// tell parent_db_view that "syntax_highlighting" was called
parent_db_view.dependencies.push(Box::new(DerivedNodeDependency {
param_hash: hash(param),
recalculate_inner_no_params: Box::new(|database_view| {
inner_fn(database_view, param)

if let Some(mut previously_derived_node) = self.database.get_mut(static_key, param) {
let has_changed = false;
for revalidate_dependency in previously_derived_node.dependencies.iter_mut() {
has_changed = revalidate_dependency();
if has_changed {
if has_changed {
let nested_view = self.nested_view();
let derived_node_value = Box::new(inner_fn(&mut nested_view, &param));

parent_db_view.max_time_calculated = std::cmp::max(

// returns a reference to the derived_node_value
return, param, DerivedNode {
derived_node_value, // Box<dyn Any>,
time_verified: self.database.epoch,
time_calculated: nested_view.max_time_calculated,
dependencies: nested_view.dependencies,
}).downcast_ref::<TOutput>().expect("Expected to be the correct type")
} else {
return &previously_derived_node.derived_node_value;
} else {
panic!("same thing as above");


fn nested_view(&mut self) -> DatabaseView {
Self {
database: self.database,
dependencies: vec![],
max_time_calculated: 0,

impl Database {
fn revalidate<'db>(
&'db mut self,
parent_static_key: &'static str,
parent_param: HashString,
parent_recalculate_inner: impl Fn(&'db mut DatabaseView) -> Box<dyn Any + Eq> + 'db
) -> ChangeStatus {
match self.get_mut(static_key, param) {
Some(previously_derived_node) => {
// check each dependency
// if all dependencies are not invalidated, return HasNotChanged
// if any dependency is invalidated, recalculate_inner, compare, and
// if different, store and return HasChanged
// always set revalidated at to current epoch

let dependency_change_status = ChangeStatus::Unchanged;
for dependency in previously_derived_node.dependencies.iter_mut() {
if let Some(dependency_pdn) = self.get_mut(dependency.static_key, dependency.param_hash) {

if (dependency_pdn.time_validated === self.current_epoch) {
} else {
// potentially
dependency_change_status = ChangeStatus::Changed;

} else {
panic!("Expected nested dep to exist");
match dependency_change_status {
ChangeStatus::Unchanged => {
return ChangeStatus::Unchanged
ChangeStatus::Changed => {
let mut database_view = self.database_view();
let new_value = parent_recalculate_inner(&mut database_view);

previously_derived_node.dependencies = database_view.dependencies;
previously_derived_node.time_verified = self.current_epoch;

if new_value != previously_derived_node.derived_node_value {
previously_derived_node.derived_node_value = new_value;
previously_derived_node.time_calculated = database_view.max_time_calculated;
return ChangeStatus::Changed

return ChangeStatus::Unchanged
None => {
panic!("Expected to exist if revalidating")

enum ChangeStatus {



  • Perhaps we can find a way to have typed storage, instead of Box<dyn Any> everywhere.
  • Perhaps we should intern all the results.
  • How would garbage collection occur? It seems safe to drop items from the derived_nodes map, since they will simply be recalculated. (It is not safe to drop from derived_node_inner_functions)

To discuss

  • references
  • hash maps
  • tracked inputs


  • derived_node_inner_functions: HashMap<&'static str, Box<dyn Fn(&mut Database, Param) -> Box<dyn Any>>>
    • This looks difficult to statically type.
    • Why is this struct necessary?
      • e.g. when checking hover_info, we need to check all of its dependencies (without calling hover_info.inner_function!) This check could find that AST is stale (i.e. has dependencies that are updated). At this point, we need to call AST's inner function. At this point, we compare ast.new_value == ast.old_value, and if these are the same, we can short circuit and avoid calling hover_info.inner_function.
      • Thus, we need the ability to call ast.inner_function without going through hover_info.inner_function.