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Generated artifacts


The precise nature of the generated artifacts is liable to change.

The Isograph compiler generates artifacts in the artifact_directory folder. These fall into three types:

  • reader artifacts
  • entrypoint artifacts
  • refetch artifacts

Reader artifacts

The reader artifact is generated at TypeName/field_name/reader.ts.

A reader artifact contains an import of the resolver function (i.e. the Query/HomePage/reader.ts will contain an import of export const HomePage = iso(`field Query.HomePage { ... }`)) and the reader AST. It will als contain some types that ensure that whatever data is passed to the resolver function is accessed in a typesafe fashion.

The reader AST is a data structure that is used to read out precisely the fields and resolvers that that resolver function selected.

Entrypoint artifacts

The entrypoint artifact is generated at TypeName/field_name/entrypoint.ts.

An entrypoint (e.g. iso entrypoint Query.HomePage) is always associated with a single field (for now, restricted to be the on the Query type). The entrypoint artifact contains:

  • the query text
  • the normalization AST
  • a hard require of the reader artifact

It should also contain the type of the variables, but does not.

Entrypoints are used to make network requests and write the data back to the Isograph store.

Refetch artifacts

Refetch artifacts are generated at TypeName/field_name/__refetch__${NUMBER}.ts. They are used for __refetch's and for magic mutation fields.

Refetch artifacts can be thought of as entrypoints for a sub-section of a query. They contain:

  • the query text
  • the normalization AST

They are not associated with a specific resolver, and so do not have a reader artifact.

Why are they numbered?

Refetch artifacts are numbered, because they can be used by multiple resolvers. Consider:

User.Profile @component {

User.Avatar @component {

In this case, the refetch query will refetch the { id, avatarUrl, name }. The refetch artifact that is used when __refetch is called on the User.Profile and User.Avatar resolvers is the same resolver because they are on the same User.

Thus, since they are re-used by resolvers and not clearly tied to a specific resolver, they are numbered.

Note that the refetch artifact used by a resolver is not always the same one, either. Consider:

User.Profile {
best_friend {

User.UserDetail {

In this case, the UserDetail's refetch artifact will select { id, name, best_friend { id, name }}. The best_friend.UserDetail's refetch artifact will select { id, name }. So, where a resolver is selected affects what fields are selected in refetch and magic mutation field queries.